Monday, February 27, 2006

Pandemonium (5 Definitions, with Illustrative Quotations)

1. An instrument similar to the harmonium, equipped with keyboard and bellows, which produces unpredictable sounds. Popular in India and with certain pot-smoking poets of the mid 20th century. How can I live a reasonable life when that jerk upstairs won’t stop playing his pandemonium?

2. A peculiar and infinite variety of quilt given to young women to sew out of miniscule scraps--an exercise designed to, if not safeguard virginity permanently, at least prolong its life. Liza sat for seven years embroidering the 67 corners of her pandemonium--until the day we weren’t paying attention and she got her hands on the meter-reader.

3. A literary form composed of bright scraps. Commonly anarchic in content and mysterious in purpose. Five days into the composition of his new pandemonium, the lowly servant was accused of inciting devil worship.

4.. A conference of devils, traditionally called to organize unusually intricate temptations. The first infernal emissaries failed, but poor Martin didn’t have a chance against the whole pandemonium.

5. An accident involving multiple suitcases. Poor Nancy suffered a pandemonium, in which she sprained her ankle, dispersed her birth control pills, and found herself at the bottom of a staircase at dawn in Taipei.

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