Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Artist's Statement

White walls. A single elegant object, thoughtfully chosen, arranged, and in the light just so – to be accompanied by something classical, by cappuccino with meaningful foam, by the most exquisite frosted biscuit.

Fine if that’s your thing.

Oh to be generous as a dive bar! Lit by strings of colored lights, some of which blink. Pin up girls beneath portraits of the King and Queen garlanded with exhausted marigolds with plastic irises.

Green walls with pink stripes. Pillars to match. An altar to the Buddha with a red electric candle. Large tropical fruit decals! Bar girls in halter tops and heavy makeup, their beauty undisguised though stranded here.

With everything: beer and cheesy music! Crescendos, Singha, and sing-along’s. With death always nearby, waiting to be shrugged at.

These goldfish clearly did not receive the memorandum that they were only to grow to fit the size of the tank. No larger.

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