Thursday, April 10, 2014

Guttersnipe in Print: New & Forthcoming

For reasons I do not fully understand, some of my stories and essays are now appearing in print.  Here's where to find them.  My hope is that someday there will be a little book.

"The Heart of the Farm" will appear in Green Mountains Review.

"Love in No Time" (Manifesto #3) is online now at Eleven Eleven.

"Love on a Rampage" (Manifesto #1) and "The Utmost Gentleness" (Manifesto #2) are forthcoming from South Loop Review.

"Psychiatry, Tokyo style" is online now at Hippocampus.

"The Complete Apologies" appeared in Jonathan #4, a magazine of gay fiction published by Sibling Rivalry Press.

"Pa, Randy and the Sugarhouse Fire" appears in Zymbol #3.

"Naked in Sweden" is forthcoming in July from MiNUS TiDES.

"News of My Triumphant Return to India" is online now at Outside In Literary & Travel Magazine.

"Ghost Guide" is online now at

I am grateful to everyone who is kind to me, encourages me, feeds me a hot meal or smacks me on the ass or upside the head (as necessary).  Thank you for allowing me to persist in my folly.

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